
In order your make your website available to the public, you must have it on the web, now in order to have it on the web you need a web host. A web host or a web hosting company is a business that provides the tools, the technology, the services, the information, that you need to make your website “live”, i.e., everything that is needed for the website or webpage to be viewed on the Internet.

A web hosting service provides various services, and many of us want the simplest and quickest way to handle all the hassle. And a GUI is the best way to go for these control panels.
These control panels are web-based GUI interfaces allowing to manage various services just using your web browsers.
CentOS Web Panel (CWP) is one of these interfaces, it is Linux based and is free and provides a graphical interface with integrated tools to simplify the process of hosting and managing web sites.

Now lets go over the process of how to install CWP on your Virtual Private Server (VPS). But before we go over the installation process there are four key points to know and pay attention to:
1. System Requirements:
There are three of them
a. Different Hostname
A different name must be selected or setup for your domain.
Like- if your domain is
then your hostname could be You can use the following command for hostname setup eg. hostname
b. Software Requirements You must have a clean/fresh installation of Supported Operating Systems: CentOS 6, RedHat 6 or CloudLinux 6, MINIMAL installation and English version only!

CentOS 7 is NOT supported, as of yet. c. Hardware Requirements 32 bit Operating System requires minimal of 512 MB RAM 64 bit Operating System requires minimal of 1024 MB RAM (recommended) Recommended is to have 4 GB+ RAM.

2. No Uninstaller for CWP Bear in mind that CWP does not have an easy few clicks uninstallation process. Once installed you can only truly remove CWP by reinstalling your server to its original state, as it completely changes your system by installing tons of packages.

3. CentOS VPS with a static IP address You should have a CentOS VPS with a static IP address and your system should have freshly preinstalled CentOS 6. 4. Logged into your CentOS VPS via SSH as root Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol to accessing and operating network services securely, you need to be logged in as root via SSH, if you haven’t done that, follow steps 1 to 3, and if you have skip those steps.
If you and your system meet the required conditions from above, you shall pass! Steps: Note: As stated in key point number 4, only follow the steps 1-3 to access CentOS VPS via SSH as root, if you have skip to step 4! To connect to your system via SSH, you need SSH client. For Linux you can use OpenSSH client. And for windows you need Putty, it’s a free software, but CentOS is not for windows , so we’ll go along for Linux.

Step 1. Open the Terminal and type the following command:

ssh root@ –p5555

Note: replace with the IP address of your server & 5555 with the listening port of your server’s SSH daemon.

Step 2. The following message will appear because you tried to connect to your server for the first time:

The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established. RSA key fingerprint is 89:09:f3:03:c2:98:a5:a9:cf:ce:6f:8d:8f:ea:c8:a3. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? Type ‘yes’ and press enter.

Step 3. Now, the authentication process begins, you will need to enter your ‘root’ user password. Note: Your ‘root’ password, IP address of your server, SSH listening port are sent to you via your admins once you sign up for their services. Voila! You are now connected to your server via SSH and you can manage your Linux VPS.

Step 4. Now perform a full system upgrade using the yum package manager. Use the following command:

yum -y update

This will update all your system.

Step 5. Reboot the server.

Step 6. After the complete updation and rebooting navigate to the /opt directory on your server using the command below: cd /opt Here, you can download the official CentOS Web Panel installer. So type the command below:


This won’t take long. Once its downloaded on your server, you can move along with the installation process.

Step 7. Installation! , type the command below:

sh cwp-latest

Just follow along the onscreen instaructions. And, just hang back and relax, as it may take up to an hour.

Step 8. After the installation, its time to actually open up the CentOS Web Panel on your server. Open any of your web browser and type:




Note: Replace the “IPADDRESS” with the actual IP address of your CentOS VPS. But use https, just for the extra “s” aka secure and be secured. To log in, you can use ‘root’ as user and your root password.

Categories: Tutorials


kecurioso · August 26, 2020 at 7:23 AM

Hi there, I follow this steps, but now I can´t access to the CPW, becuase I only have the username:root but I can´t access by typing any password because I crate my VPS with SSH Keys. Any idea how I can access?

    Virtono · September 16, 2020 at 3:38 PM


    Even though you are authenticating in your linux vps using the ssh key, a root user should exist. So, try changing the root password from the VPS/Cloud Panel.


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