Securing your server is important, we’ll discuss it in this article why?, but lets begin securing your server right now, with these, quick and small steps towards a secured server.
Before we begin, make sure:
1.You have root access to the Linux server
2.You are running either Ubuntu 10.04 LTS or above or a Debian variant.
1.Reduce the attack surface
a.Start with a mini distro and add software on top of it.
# tasksel install openssh-server
# tasksel install lamp-server
b.See which processes are listening on the external IP address
# netstat –nltup -4
c.Stop or remove services from running or booting up
# /etc/init.d/<service name> stop
# update-rc.d <service name> remove
d.Stop services from listening on external IP address
2.Patch and Update your server
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
3.Secure your access with SSH
a.Remove Root Login
b.Ideally use public keys with passphrases
c. Add another directive in /etc/sshd_config
d.AllowUsers <user@host>
4. Secure Apache Web server
a.In /etc/apache2/conf.d/security
b.Uncomment line number 27 ServerTokens Prod
c.Uncomment line number 39 ServerSignature Off
d.Keep file owner as the user which uploads and group as www-data
5. Secure MySQL if database server and web server are on the same host
a. In /etc/mysql/my.cnf
c.Execute following command
# mysql_secure_installation
d. Create a new user for each new database and only give access to the following
f.Specify the host where the user can login from. Ideally this should be localhost and never ‘%’
6. Enable Uncomplicated Firewall
a. ufw allow
b.ufw allow <Ports you want>
c. ufw default deny
d.ufw allow from <external IP> to <current host IP> port 3306


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