A few days ago I installed Zabbix 3.0 under Ubuntu 16.04. Since I would like to deal with PostgreSQL, I decided to use it as a database.


The first release of Zabbix’s release package is the following:

which is then installed

So now the appropriate Repo has been added and you can install zabbix

Create database

First, change the admin password. To do this, you first connect to the database:

Change the password as follows

Enter a new password twice and you are done. Now you create a new database and a new user and give it all rights on this:

Now we fill the database with content. For this, there is the file create.sql.gz , under / usr / share / doc / zabbix-server-pgsql / .

Change PostgreSQL configurations

If you only access the database locally, you can skip this here. But I wanted to access via pgadmin3. 
By default the database only listens to localhost, ie To change this, change the following in the /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf file


Now the configuration has to be edited, which regulates the authentication /etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pghba.conf . The following line was added:

This is of course still more beautiful and more restrictive, which was not necessary for my test installation now.
Then restart the service and afterwards you should access the database with pgadmin3

Zabbix server in operation

For the service to run still the access data to the database had to be entered into the /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf:

Then you can activate and start the service:

Frontend configuration

The following line must be adapted in the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/zabbix.conf file


The apache2 must then be restarted once

That was it. Now the frontend can be accessed via the browser http: // $ ip / zabbix and the installation completed.
What surprised me with this installation was, that I do not remember in older Zabbix installations such a “configuration expenditure” had. On the one hand the packages, which one still have to install manually, which, I think, were previously contained in the Dependencies and on the other hand the IfModule line in the apache2 configuration, which still contains php5. I mean it is now known that the php7 in Xenial has kept moving. But all in all, it can be done.

Categories: Tutorials


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