If you are looking for a light, small, free, web hosting control panel, look no further ZPanel is the ultimate answer, its build on open-source freeware model, with the development team describing it as a part-time hobby. ZPanel is the right buddy for your VPS or dedicated server.

If you have a VPS or dedicated server and are looking for a free web hosting control panel, with a responsive web interface its easy to manage your hosting from any mobile devices, thanks to Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework for making the responsive CSS framework.


You can go through the Steps below the video to copy the commands and play the video to refer what it should look like.


Installing zPanel on Centos is easy. This post guides you how to install zPanel 10.1.1 on CentOS 6.6.


Step 1.

First of all download the installation script:

wget https://raw.github.com/zpanel/installers/master/install/CentOS-6_4/10_1_1.sh


Step 2.

As root, make the script executable and then run it!

[root@shreyash ~]# chmod +x 10_1_1.sh

[root@ shreyash ~]# ./10_1_1.sh



Step 3.

Press “y” and hit enter.

Would you like to continue (y/n)? y



Step 4.

Choose your time-zone.

Note: I live in India, so I’ll choose continent-Asia (5)

And Country –India(14)


Cross check the information and press 1 for “yes” and 2 for “no”, and press enter.

And then press y, to continue.



Step 5.

Pay attention, to this step.

Important: You need to set the FQDN and IP address for the ZPanel. Later to access the zPanel you can use either via zpanel’s fqdn name or the IP address.

Enter the FQDN you will use to access ZPanel on your server.

– It MUST be a sub-domain of you main domain, it MUST NOT be your main domain only. Example: panel.yourdomain.com

– Remember that the sub-domain (‘panel’ in the example) MUST be setup in your DNS nameserver.

FQDN for zpanel: zpanel.myserver.id

Enter the public (external) server IP:

ZPanel is now ready to install, do you wish to continue (y/n)
The script will download the dependency packages and the zPanel software itself. It may take long time depending on your internet connection and server specification.



If everything installed successfully, the script will tell you the zPanel admin account and password to manage your hosting.


# Congratulations ZpanelX has now been installed on your     #

# server. Please review the log file left in /root/ for      #

# any errors encountered during installation.                #

#                                                            #

# Save the following information somewhere safe:             #

# MySQL Root Password    : EAVJg5yKanxxxxxx               #

# MySQL Postfix Password : tc6HY72a6KCXXXXX               #

# ZPanelX Username       : zadmin                            #

# ZPanelX Password       : 1zifqPu8E8mxxxxx               #

#                                                            #

# ZPanelX Web login can be accessed using your server IP     #

# inside your web browser.                                   #

#                                                            #



Restart your server now to complete the install (y/n)? y

You need to restart the server to complete the installation.

Voila! you have now successfully installed ZPanel on your VPS.

Categories: Tutorials


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