Webmin is an interface for the applications used on the server, for example, managing and configuring SSH, FTP, databases and more, the development on Webmin was started in the early 2006 by Jamie Cameron, who has also been working with google ever since.

Now, what stands out about Webmin is that Webmin has user-based packages, for various users to access their own emails, domain etc.

The application runs on its own isolated Web server, using Perl (which is included as one of the dependencies below)

Webmin is open source, so basically what that means is, it was started by Jamie Cameron but now many people have provided patches, increased its functionality, made it more adaptable, that its something that shows harwork of some real intelligent people.

So Now lets begin with the installation!

Install Webmin on CentOS


Before going over the actual installing process, you need to install the following dependencies.

1 yum -y install perl perl-Net-SSLeay openssl perl-IO-Tty


  1. Now you need the latest stable Webmin release, and install it with the following command.
1 rpm -Uvh http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.791/webmin-1.791-1.noarch.rpm

After the installation process is complete.



Note: Administration username – ‘root

Password is your current ‘root‘ password.

After the dependencies are done, follow along the steps down below to complete the Webmin’s installation.

One way to always have the latest one is by using a repository for installation, here is how.

Step 1 – Create a ‘/etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo‘ file:

1 nano /etc/yum.repos.d/webmin.repo

Copy the lines below:







name=Webmin Distribution Neutral




Step 2 – Download and install the GPG key for the package:



wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc

rpm –import jcameron-key.asc


Step 3 – Install Webmin by executing the command:

1 yum install Webmin


Install Webmin on UBUNTU/DEBIAN

Step 1 – Download the latest Debian package from Webmin’s official website

1 wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.791/webmin_1.791_all.deb


Step 2 – Install it with the following command:

1 dpkg –install webmin_1.791_all.deb


Accessing Webmin

Open https://YOURDOMAIN.TLD:10000 on any browser, enter ‘root‘ as username and your root password then hit enter and you are done!!



Voila! Now you have your Webmin control panel, all prepped up and ready to go.



Categories: Tutorials


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