WAMP, well WAMP is another variant of LAMP (the original), the difference is obvious, W for L, that is Windows OS for Linux, other than that its same, down below is a little information on WAMP but if you want more, read this article on LAMP.

Wamp exclusively made for Windows is a web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache, PHP and the MySQL database. It also comes with PHPMyAdmin to easily manage your databases.

But for now, lets get on with our installation process.

Step 1. Download a copy of  WAMP


First you will  need to download WAMP from http://www.wampserver.com/en/download.php . You will have the option to choose either the  32-bit or 64-bit version your choice depends upon your computer’s configuration.
Step 2. Install the software


When you click next you will be asked to accept the license agreement.

Basically it’s a GPL license you are free to do just about anything with it so you can go ahead and accept it.

Step 3. Destination Location


The next step is to select  where you would like to install  WAMP .

The default will be c:wamp however you can change to which ever  directory or partition you choose that please you.
Step 4. Additional Tasks


After you choose your directory you will have the option to setup icons. If you noticed only one option is selected but you can select the best option for you.
Step 5. Ready to Install


Once you decide on this click Next and then confirm the installation settings again by clicking Install.

Step 6. Default Browser


Once the installation finish installing its files WAMP will detect which is your default browser at the moment but you can select no and navigate your way to any other browser of your choosing.

Step 7. Firewall


NB – if your Windows firewall pops up at this point make sure to grant Apache access.
Step 8. PHP Mail Parameters


The next decision you will have to make is to set the PHP mail parameters. Most people leave this set to the defaults when setting up a testing server on their local computer. If you wish to configure it to connect to a  SMTP server you may do so now  all you need to do is click Next.

Step 9. Congratulate yourself!

Your job is done, WAMP is now installed.


Step 1.


Now that everything has been installed let’s test everything out.

Using one of the icons you created, or Start –> start WampServer, you can launch the management console. Once opened, it will appear in the lower right hand corner of your screen.

Step 2. Check the icon

If WAMP is not started go ahead and click Start All Services. If you are not sure whether or not WAMP is running, look for the small green W icon in your toolbar.


Categories: Tutorials


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