In this guide, we will walk you through the process of deploying RabbitMQ on Kubernetes(K3s), assuming you already have K3s and Helm installed. Deploying RabbitMQ on Kubernetes can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the world of containerization and orchestration. However, the process can be simplified by using the right tools and understanding the steps involved.
RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker that supports multiple messaging protocols. It’s lightweight, easy to deploy, and it provides robust messaging for applications.
- A Kubernetes cluster running (for this guide, we are using K3s). Check the installation guide here.
- Helm installed and configured. Check the installation guide here.
- Basic knowledge of Kubernetes and Helm commands.
Deploying RabbitMQ on Kubernetes with Helm
Helm charts are the easiest way to deploy applications on a Kubernetes cluster. For RabbitMQ, we will use the Bitnami RabbitMQ Helm chart. This chart bootstraps a RabbitMQ deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
First, let’s add the Bitnami repository to our Helm:
helm repo add bitnami
Next, we install the RabbitMQ on Kubernetes Helm chart with the following command:
helm install rabbitmq bitnami/rabbitmq
Replace ‘rabbitmq’ with the name you want for your RabbitMQ deployment.
Verifying the RabbitMQ on Kubernetes Deployment
After deploying RabbitMQ, you can verify the status of your deployment by running:
kubectl get pods
You should see your RabbitMQ pods running.
Accessing RabbitMQ
By forwarding the RabbitMQ service port to your local machine, you can access the RabbitMQ management interface:
kubectl port-forward svc/my-release-rabbitmq 15672:15672
The username is “user” and you can find the password by executing the following command:
kubectl get secret --namespace default rabbitmq -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 -d
Final Thoughts
Your applications can benefit from a reliable and scalable messaging system by deploying RabbitMQ on Kubernetes. You can deploy RabbitMQ on your Kubernetes cluster quickly and easily using Helm and the Bitnami RabbitMQ chart. Don’t forget to adjust your deployment to meet your needs. Keep in mind that this guide assumes you have a fundamental knowledge of Helm and Kubernetes. Before attempting to deploy RabbitMQ, I advise those who are unfamiliar with these technologies to spend some time getting to know them.