Why choose Dedicated Server Instances instead of Bare-Metal Servers? Lets first define a dedicated instance:
A dedicated instance it is a dedicated server deployed in cloud and have the same specifications like a bare-metal: dedicated CPU, SSD storage and RAM memory.

It appears to the end-user and behaves exactly like a bare but it is deployed directly in Cloud and for that reason it has several advantages:
– Instant activation;
– Easy system reinstall with OS templates or by using the vnc console with your own uploaded custom ISO file;
– Easy upgrades, migrations or hardware modifications, with minimum or no downtime at all;
– Cheaper licenses (for example a cpanel license is only 15 euro instead of 35 euros like you would pay for a bare-metal);
– The disk is a block device from our raid protected SSD storage, which improves the performance(IOps & read/write speed) and also the fault tolerance;
– Other features at request: additional block storage, private networking(internal ips), 1-click ssh-key.
At Virtono we no longer provide Bare-Metal Dedicated Servers as a current offer on our website, but they could be provisioned if you ask this specifically from our contact form.