Blackfriday is here. So, starting today, 25 Nov 2016, until 30 Nov, Virtono brings you the best deals in the hosting industry.

First, we have created a new page for blackfriday special offers (kvm vps & dedicated servers):

Not only that we have the cheapest ssd kvm servers, but there is more: get cPanel for you vps, and we will manage your server for free!
For those who needs other plans than the above, we have you covered! You can get 50% discount, for the first 3 months, if you get any Virtono plan: vps, vds or web hosting.

How to get the discount? Login to your account, select the plan you desire, and right before completing the order, validate the coupon code blackfriday50, and you will get the 50% discount.

The discount is available only for new orders and it doesn’t apply to domain names, licenses and ssl certificates.

Hurry, the offer is time limited!


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