When creating a website the majority of people are looking to also create a revenue stream, unfortunately, a big part of entrepreneurs embarking on this journey tend to hit a wall at some point.

We have observed 5 common digital marketing mistakes that prevent you from achieving your goals

  1. A failing funnel
  2. Missing metrics
  3. Marketing avoidance
  4. Casual content
  5. Too little too late

To better understand how you can avoid these mistakes and push your online business to the next level, we are going to discuss all the above-mentioned mistakes one by one.

You will have the opportunity to learn how to improve your business and how to bring more attention to your brand.

If you are making any of the following mistakes in your business or your marketing then you are losing money. There is just no other way to say it.

At best your marketing campaigns aren’t performing nearly as well and your marketing efforts aren’t nearly as profitable as they could be with just a few simple tweaks.

A few simple tweaks that I am going to be sharing with you right here, right now!

Knowing that you are making a few fatal marketing mistakes is one thing but being given the exact step-by-step solutions to transform your business is a whole new level of importance.

With marketing costs rising, competition at an all-time high, and an almost overwhelming supply of new marketing tactics, tools, and strategies avoiding those mistakes has never been so important.

You might be tempted to hop on TikTok and try to replicate the latest dance moves, although it would be a funny video it wouldn’t help your brand that much, so you better stick with long-term marketing techniques for now…

The point is that it ain’t easy out there and if you are making any of these mistakes you are only making it harder on yourself.

Mistake number 1: A failing Funnel

I think it’s important to understand that sales and marketing go hand in hand these days because with everything getting more expensive and more competitive out there the way that you win is by being more strategic and that is what a well-designed marketing funnel will do for you.

A marketing funnel also known as a sales funnel or just simply a funnel, is just a way to visually map out the customer journey that someone has to go through from first learning about you and your business all the way to being a customer and essentially every step in between that got them to where they are.

The worst offense here is not having a marketing funnel or more accurately not thinking about your marketing funnel and instead just hoping and wishing that maybe customers will just find their way to your doorstep and buy from you.

Sorry but that is not marketing that is just wishful thinking.

As obvious as this is going to sound the solution to not having a funnel is to have a funnel… very insightful I know, but I am going to give you some pointers.

The easiest way to map out your funnel is really just to start at the end and think about what happens when a customer buys from you and then reverse engineer the process, essentially breaking down every single proceeding step that somebody had to go through in order to end up at the checkout.

Mistake number 2: Missing Metrics

One of the biggest reasons that digital marketing doesn’t work it’s because it wasn’t designed to.

For example, when most people think about marketing, they think about creating content for Instagram or maybe starting a podcast or a YouTube channel.

They make some content and they put it out there then they wonder why their business isn’t growing, well… let me tell you a secret.

It’s because a social media post, a video, or a podcast doesn’t grow a business, at least not alone.

Why? Because these are just tools and tactics, things that you can do in service of the greater good, the greater good being making sales and generating customers, and increasing revenue.

The problem is that just doing things for the sake of doing them without any clear idea of how, when, or even if they’re going to lead to revenue is just wrong.

You need to know your numbers, your metrics, and your analytics. You need to know what tactics are delivering results and which ones aren’t and you need to know where your calls and your clicks and traffic are coming from.

Just like the last mistake where the solution was obvious, this solution is just as obvious and easy.

Know your numbers

You may be wondering what are those numbers that we speak of and where do you find these elusive keys to profitability.

When it comes to knowing your numbers and getting accurate metrics you can use third-party software that compiles the information but really it’s not necessary.

Google Analytics has everything you need to know about your website, and generally, every platform that you use, be it a social media app or a streaming platform, has an analytics tab that you can keep an eye out for.

The big thing is that you need to know what you’re doing that is actually working, where are you getting the most traffic, and just like your funnel where there may be areas to streamline and optimize a little bit.

Pro Tip: A good tool to have is Semrush, an all-in-one SEO toolset designed for everyone from junior marketers all the way up to senior marketers.

Mistake number 3: Marketing Avoidance

When it comes to business, marketing is the single most important element to your business success.

After all, marketing helps you spread the word and get more customers, make more sales, and grow your business.

Now I’d like to imagine that because you are reading this you understand the importance of marketing, but marketing avoidance is an easy trap to fall into and it can be fatal to your business and its overall growth.

Marketing is one of those things that tend to scare people, that thing that you are just putting off while things are good until one day when everything seems to be stuck and you are wondering what you could have done in order to make it work.

When things are good there is this voice that creeps in and says:

“Things are good, you can slow down a little, ease off the marketing money a little bit”

The idea is that marketing comes with a lag time, meaning there is a delay between the actions that you do today and the results that you’re going to get back in the future.

Think of it like going to the gym and eating healthy, nobody expects to just go work out one time or eat a salad and then magically wake up with a six-pack.

The best time to be doing market is when you don’t need it at all because if you wait to start marketing until things are a little bit slow and you really need well… it may be too late, you will need to work twice as hard to get half of the results.

The solution is to start marketing now, and if you are already doing marketing double down. Now is your opportunity to capture even more market share from those who are just putting it off until later.

Mistake number 4: Casual Content

If you are not in a committed long-term relationship with content marketing, now is the time.

You see, content marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing there is, and lucky for us content marketing is one of the simplest concepts to grasp in this crazy digital marketing world we live in.

Content marketing is just making stuff for people and putting it out there, in other words, it’s making content for your market.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between good content and bad content.

Good content is content that your market likes, content that your market finds valuable and wants more of, it has nothing to do with production value or how pretty and shiny it looks, or how much time or money you put into it.

The best content is free to create, that is the beauty of it.

Bad content on the other hand is content that your market doesn’t enjoy and doesn’t find valuable. The only way to see what your market views as good content or bad content is to make content and see what works and what doesn’t.

Please refer to mistake number 2 for more info, wink.

Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

Good Content:

  • Relevant
  • Informative
  • Entertaining
  • Educational
  • Enjoyable

Bad Content:

  • Irrelevant
  • Boring
  • Overly Promotional

Keep in mind, that the most relevant opinions are those of your clients, as they are the ones that buy from you.

But you should keep an open mind when it comes to other people’s opinions, as anyone is entitled to say what they like or what they don’t like about your products or services.

Mistake number 5: Too little too late

When it comes to marketing or anything really, you can do a little or a lot.

Most people start by doing as little as possible… in marketing, this means maybe making the odd social media post, sending an email occasionally, or maybe throwing some dollars into ads from time to time.

The problem with this approach is that it fails to hit enough people enough times to get them to take action. In other words, it falls below the minimum effective dose, which can be described as “the smallest amount of an input required to achieve the desired outcome”.

Most businesses fail here, they are doing marketing half-heartedly and not getting any results.

The smart ones push through, they find the things that work, and they end up in the sweet spot, doing enough marketing, reaching new people, making more sales, and growing their business.

In the event that you may end up on the side of over-sharing, you can spot the mistake easily when people start losing interest in you although you are constantly posting and giving out offers or marketing emails.

Remember that marketing comes second to having an actual online presence, being online should be your priority.

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Categories: Marketing


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