Hello, my name is Stefan, I am an analyst at Virtono and over the years I have experienced and seen all kinds of internet hustles, some of them worked, some of them failed and some of them I even tried myself.

One thing always stood out to me, most of the time the pattern of success tends to repeat itself, you know the saying

“imitate success and you will succeed”

well in this case most of the businesses that managed to pull it through in this internet “glory chase” were the ones that had a blog.

Yeah, quite an odd thing to think that a blog differentiates between success and failure.

Well, here are the facts:

  • Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website from other online sources. (source: Hubspot) When you have people posting your content for you, that’s more eyes on your content for very little money. Talk about a win!
  • 47% of buyers view 3 to 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. (source: Demand Gen Report, 2016) This shows the value of having the right content to prove your credibility and increase sales.

Now, let’s go through a series of bullet points to express how blogging can help you grow your business.

Have you heard about SEO? Blog posts improve it a lot!

The general trend of digitalization in our current times has seen many local brick-and-mortar stores, retail chains, and even manufacturers that used to sell only to other businesses add eCommerce to their portfolio, that way they can reach customers stuck at home and make up for lost in-person sales, but as a business owner some questions may arise:

  • Can I differentiate myself from the competition?
  • Can I keep the loyalty of my customers?
  • Is this a good place for my business?


Regular posts create new site content that can improve your search result rank, making you stand out from your competition. So can posts that include the kind of keywords your customers search for, whether that’s “wireless headphones”, “organic cat food” or “crypto courses”.

Writing quality content, with genuine good pieces of information and with a few keywords to keep Google and other search engines happy will surely boost you through the ranks.

Want to keep your customers coming back to you? How-to posts will do that!

Whether you are selling goods or services, chances are some of your customers need a how-to explanation. Customers out there are always looking for tips on how to use the things that they bought to the maximum capacity.

This is true for everything from skincare products to sports equipment and even online courses. So, give those customers what they’re looking for, and make your how-to and tutorial posts so useful that people will bookmark them and keep coming back to learn more. 

Is email marketing something that interests you? It should!

By now you should know that email lists are the foundation of online marketing, better yet, for effective online marketing.

What better way to engage a customer than to speak with him directly, ads and other promo materials tend to have low engagement if you do not know what you are doing and even lower conversions at that.

Make sure your blog offers helpful and engaging content that your customers like and you will be surprised by how many people want to know more. Add some exclusive offers and promotions and you have yourself a “killer” email gaining machine.

Just don’t approach it in an aggressive manner with noisy pop-ups “SUBSCRIBE HERE AND GAIN A DISCOUNT” because it may backfire on you.

Keep it simple and classy with a Sign-Up button above the socials and that is your “secret formula”.

Do you appreciate the loyalty of your customers? Of course you do!

Do you know what is the number one factor for success in the crypto space? The community!

Now imagine, if in a wild and irregulated environment such as crypto the community holds such power, what can it do for you?

The answer is a lot!

Building a community around your brand is a next-level marketing strategy and more often than not, it starts with a simple blog.

Create a blog that helps your customers associate themselves with your brand and you are on your way to the top, but be careful not to get drunk on power 😉

You started growing and now you need more employees? Good thing you have that blog of yours!

Imagine yourself some time from now, you started your online journey with mere hope and glitter in your eyes, you got yourself a great hosting deal that pushed you & your dream forward, and you even remember your first sale.

Now, you are always on the job, constantly selling, always on the phone, with new deals coming left and right.

You need someone to take care of some of your responsibilities, luckily for you, the community that you have gathered around your brand is a big one and on top of that an educated one.

Now posting job listings will give you some results but you will need to filter out a lot of people that have nothing to do with your industry, but if you post in your community that you are looking to expand your team, oh boy!

You will get people that are ready to lend a hand and ease up your work that are already into your business, plus you will be giving back to your community so that is a win-win situation.

So, do you need a blog?

Better search visibility, more site visitors, a bigger email list, increased customer loyalty, a bigger social reach and new ways of expanding your team should be more than enough to convince you!


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