File Servers

  • A file server may be dedicated or non-dedicated.
  •  A dedicated server is designed specifically for use as a file server  not for other database purposes.
  • File servers may also be categorized by the method of access: Internet file servers are frequently accessed by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or by HTTP (but are different from web servers, that often provide dynamic web content in addition to static files).
  • File server is a computer attached to a network, that has the primary purpose to  share contents (such as documents, sound files, photographs, movies, images, databases, etc.) that can be accessed by the other computers that are attached to the network.
  • A file server is not intended to perform computational tasks, and does not run programs on behalf of its clients.
  • It is designed primarily to enable the storage and retrieval of data while the computation is carried out by the workstations.
  • File servers are commonly found in schools and offices and rarely seen in local internet service providers using LAN to connect their client computers.

Each Server will be placed on one another on a rack mount.



Minimum Hardware requirements for FILE SERVERS


  • RAM 4 GB for developer evaluation use.
  • 8 GB for production use.


  • 80 GB or greater for system drive.
  • You must have sufficient space for the base installation and sufficient space for diagnostics such as logging, debugging, creating memory dumps, and so on.


  • 64-bit, four cores for small deployments.
  • 64-bit, eight cores for medium deployments.


Operating  System Used in Server sites

  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
  • Windows NT
  • Ubuntu Server Edition
  • Linux
  • Novel Netware
  • Mac OS 8 and so on….



Print Servers

  • A print server may be a networked computer with one or more shared printers. Alternatively a print server may be a dedicated device on the network, with connections to the LAN and one or more printers.
  • Print server functionality may be integrated with other devices such as a wireless router, a firewall, or both.
  • A printer may have a built-in print server.
  • All printers with the right type of connector are compatible with all print servers; manufacturers of servers make available lists of compatible printers because a server may not implement all the communications functionality of a printer (low ink signal, etc.).
  • Possible to have more than one Printers.





  • If more than one Client’s want to process a same printer, than print Request are queued.



E-Mail Servers




  • Often referred to as simply “mail server”, an e-mail server is a computer within your network that works as your virtual post office.
  • A mail server usually consists of a storage area where e-mail is stored for local users, a set of user definable rules which determine how the mail server should react to the destination of a specific message.
  • A database of user accounts that the mail server recognizes and will deal with locally. This means each users will be stored in particular Email Providers Database. Ex: Yahoo, Gmail, Rediff, Hot mail.
  • Generally the person(s) responsible for the maintenance of the e-mail server (editing users, monitoring system activity) are referred to as the postmaster.



Database Server

  • A database server is a computer program that provides database services to other computer programs or computers.
  • Database management systems frequently provide database server functionality, and some DBMS’s (e.g., My SQL) rely exclusively on the client–server model for database access.
  • In a master-slave model, database master servers are centralized and primary locations of data while database slave servers are synchronized backups of the master acting as proxies.
  • Some examples of Database servers are Oracle, DB2, Informix, Ingres, SQL Server. Every server uses its own query logic and structure.
  • Such a server is accessed either through a “front end“ at the “back end” which runs on the server and handles tasks such as data analysis and storage.
  • The back-end, sometimes called a database server, performs tasks such as data analysis, storage, data manipulation, archiving, and other non-user specific tasks.
  • The Diagram represents that two clients system can access the SQL Database of the “Techfuels”


  • Possible to use any type of Database Software.


Categories: Knowledgebase


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