Apple’s Iphone Celebrated its 10th anniversary, so I’ve decided to articles, focusing on Apple’s product.

I hope you will enjoy these, readers.

So, how exactly you work security on your Mac, here is how.

Enable the OS X firewall

The firewall in OS X is a network filter that allows you to control which programs and services can accept incoming connections. While classic firewalls do this on a per-port basis, OS X’s can work on a per-application or per-service basis, giving you more flexibility. To set up your firewall, go to the Security & Privacy system preferences, click on the Firewall tab, and then unlock the preference pane, after which you will be able to click the Turn On Firewall button. This basic option is the best for most purposes, but you can also click the Firewall Options button to see the specific settings for each application, as well as access some extra features, such as stealth mode and an option for blocking all connections. The firewall is a good option to enable if you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi network, such as one at a cafe, library, or other hotspot. For home networks, you can usually rely on your router’s firewall for protection, though, enabling the OS X firewall for added security generally won’t cause additional problems.

Enable FileVault

FileVault is the full-disk encryption routine in OS X that will secure all files on the drive. To enable it, go to the FileVault tab of the Security & Privacy system preference, unlock the preference, and click Turn On FileVault. When you do this you’ll be asked to choose the user accounts that are authorized to unlock the disk. Click Continue and your Mac will begin encrypting your drive. Full disk encryption is primarily useful for protecting a stolen Mac. When your drive is unlocked, files on it can be read. However, before it’s unlocked, all data on the drive will be scrambled. This prevents data recovery by unauthorised third parties, who might try to access it using Target Disk mode on your Mac or by
removing your Mac’s hard drive and attaching it to another computer.

Password management

If you use numerous online services regularly, then you will (or should) have different credentials for each one. These may be difficult to remember. In OS X, you have a built-in alternative for managing passwords called the keychain. The keychain is enabled by default to store your various passwords for online services, email accounts, and other authentication routines. Whenever you see a checkbox for saving your password, or in a drop-down menu when using Safari, this is OS X asking you to store these passwords in an encrypted file called the login keychain. This can be managed using the Keychain Access utility (/Applications/ Utilities). In most cases, there’s little need to use this. Instead, use the option to save your passwords and OS X will automatically enter them when needed.
Locking and locating A final couple of options for protecting your Mac include securing your computer when you have to leave it unattended
Mac security options Topher Kessler reveals the four Mac security options everyone should know
and enabling remote access to it – not only to interact with it from afar, but also to track and lock it down, if needed. You set up the first of these options in the General tab of the Security & Privacy system preference. Just enable the Require Password option and choose Immediately or five seconds from the pop-up menu and you’ll be required to enter a password to use your Mac after it’s gone to sleep or the screen saver has started. The shorter the time interval you use in this feature, the better. Just close the lid to lock the system. For Find My Mac, if your system is ever stolen you can log into or use the Find My iPhone app on an iOS device to locate your device, send it a command to lock it down unless a password is supplied, have it issue a sound (also a great option for locating a misplaced iOS device), or remotely wipe the device. Overall, while Apple can do very little to prevent your computer from being stolen, OS X does its best to protect the data it holds as well as offers a chance that you can pinpoint its location. With these options enabled, you can be sure your Mac’s data is as safe as possible, with little to no inconvenience for you.


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