To get an in-depth knowledge on Apache Web Server, please visit, this.

But if you are looking for fast efficient ways to increase your Apache Server’s performance, just follow the steps below, they are fast, small and they work like a charm.

1. Put the cache on a separate disk
Move your cache to a separate physical disk for the fastest access without slowing down other processes.

2.Disable .htaccess
I.e. AllowOverride None. This will keep Apache from checking for an .htaccess file upon each request.

3.Increase Write Buffer Size
Increase your write buffer size for TCP/IP buffers. On Linux systems increase /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max and /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default. If your pages fit within this buffer, Apache will complete a process in just one call to the TCP/IP buffer.

4. Don‘t use threaded mpm with mod_php
Look at using mod_itk, mod_php tends to segfault with threaded mpm.

5. Log to a different disk than the disk serving pages
Put your logs on physically different disks than the files you are serving.

6. Setup appropriate Expires, Etag, and Chache-Control headers
In order to utilize your cache you have to specify when a file expires, otherwise your client will not experience the caching benefits.

7. Remove unused modules
Save memory by not loading modules that aren’t needed, including (but not limited to)…
… mod_php,
… mod_ruby,
… mod_perl

8. Setup appropriate Expires, Etag, and Chache-Control headers
In order to utilize your cache you have to specify when a file expires, otherwise your client will not experience the caching benefits.

9. Turn off HostnameLookups
Stop doing effortful DNS lookups. You will rarely ever need them and when you do, you can always look them up when really needed.

10.Do not set KeepAliveTimeout too high
If you have more requests than Apache children, settings which are set too high could exhaust your pool of available clients.

Categories: Knowledgebase


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