One of the most viewed T.V shows of our time Game Of Thrones has found its viewers in all forms of diversities the most recent ones are criminal-type more particularly the Authors of Locky Ransomware. Researchers at PhishMe have found the names of various Game Of Thrones characters and other references in the script.


“Lightweight script applications designed to deliver malware often use rotating or pseudorandom variable names to ensure that the malware delivery tools look unique. In this case, many of the variables (some misspelled) referred to characters and events from the globally-popular television fantasy epic Game of Thrones,” states Phishme.


Phishing attacks like these are targeted to exploit the proclivities and to track people within an organization. While small threats in no way require any special attention, it wasn’t paradigm shifting. But it got light because of using Game Of Thrones characters and other references to spread the Ransomware. But this also proves that threats like these aren’t otherworldly phenomena they are created by people like you and me, maybe I’ll make a tutorial someday. But joking aside this helps us dive into the minds of these so-called criminals and helps us to tackle them more efficiently.

We are able to rip open their tactics, techniques, and procedures for methodically spreading threats like these.

“The runtime for this script is indifferent to the variable names. The variable names could be anything, including completely random combinations of letters and numbers. However, the criminals responsible for this attack chose a distinctive theme for their variables, thereby revealing their interest in this pop culture phenomenon.” continues PhishMe.







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