Facebook, normally I’d start with an introduction, but in today’s social media driven society, Facebook needs no introduction except for maybe in China.

Facebook wasn’t the first of its type, but was better than its predecessors, is frequently used to stay in touch with just about everyone in our lives, sharing pictures and that casual status, but pictures have been an important part of this social media giant.

And now Facebook has introduced a new world of 360 photos. Now you can enjoy an immersive view of any event you want to whether it’s the wedding of your some loved one or birthday of your kid when you are far away. Travellers specially use 360 photos to show the world the whole natural beauty they are exploring.

So, yeah, here it is one more way to capture the beauty around you, immersive isn’t it!

There are no hard and fast rules to take and share 360 photos on facebook. Follow simple rules and specific hardware. Just take a panoramic view of the event with your mobile or camera and share it on facebook as a normal picture. You can easily identify your 360 photos by a mark of a compass in the corner of a photo. Now you can experience the adorable view by tapping and dragging the compass mark in the web or mobile app of facebook. This view lets you feel that you are in a real moment enjoying with your loved ones.

Though to take 360 photos you have to have a special camera or specific mobile camera which can take 360 photos. But if you do not have a special camera and want to take and share 360 photos then you can use the android app or Google Street view ios.

So take out your phone, or you are already reading this on it, well then don’t put it in just yet, open up your camera take a panoramic picture or use photospheres from Google Camera or Google Streetview and go crazy.

Supported Phones.

  • Samsung Galaxy
  • iPhone



Here is a great example set up none other than Paul McCartney:


Categories: IT News


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